Starting a new year is like getting on a roller coaster blindfolded. Our emotions are a mixture of anticipation, apprehension, excitement, and fear. We don’t know what lies ahead, but here we go ready or not.
We can’t see the unexpected bumps or the sudden turns. We are not prepared for the sudden drops that cause our stomachs to flip and our hearts to race. We expect the ride to last 365 days, but it could come to a sudden stop at any time. So, what is the best way to take this ride?
It is important to remember each of us will have a different course. The number of bumps, turns, unanticipated heights, and sudden drops, are uniquely designed for each of us by our Lord. They will be determined by what He wants to teach us, where we need correction, how He wants to reveal Himself to us, and how many days we will have.
When Joshua and the children of Israel we by the Jordan river getting ready to cross over into the promised land, the Lord gave them important instructions. He told them because they had not passed this way before, they were to follow the ark of the covenant which represented the presence of God.
They didn’t need to worry and fret about the unknown ahead of them. God would go ahead and lead them. So, it is with us as we head into this new year. We have never been here before and have no idea what lies ahead. However, we can deal with the fears and overwhelming feelings that arise by remembering who is leading us…our Lord. He will not leave us alone. He knows every detail of the future and will only allow what is best for us. “Fear thou not for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isaiah 41:10 KJV).
As we begin 2023, let us draw close to Jesus, relax in faith, and enjoy the ride. Today matters. Your life matters! Besides, this could be the year He takes us all home, which gives us every reason to live with anticipation and expectation.